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Questions about Coaching

What is coaching?

At Leadership that Works, we define coaching as “a partnership that maximizes human potential.” It is life-changing, world-changing work.

Coaching empowers individuals and organizations to meet the pressing challenges of our time with new levels of creativity, sensitivity, and awareness.

What exactly does a coach do?

CFT coaches help clients articulate their vision and values, deepen their self-awareness, and expand their sense of possibility. Clients identify and build on their strengths, set goals they are passionate about, create dynamic action plans, achieve greater fulfillment and success, and make the changes that are needed in this world.

What type of coaching do you focus on at Leadership that Works?

We develop transformational coaches. Many of our graduates go on to specialize as life coaches, executive coaches, social justice coaches, health coaches, business coaches, career coaches, internal coaches, and more.

What are some reasons people hire a CFT coach?

  • To create a healthier, happier, more meaningful life
  • To enhance their career and/or make their present job more fulfilling
  • To work with their team to increase productivity and effectiveness
  • To lead a change initiative in an organization or community
  • To transform themselves and the world around them

What are the primary reasons to take a CFT course?

  • To start or expand your coaching business
  • To use coaching skills in your profession
  • To use coaching skills to improve your life or your community

How is coaching different from psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy frequently focuses on the past and on healing psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, phobia, trauma, destructive behaviors and addiction. Coaching is primarily learning and action-oriented, moving people toward the fulfillment of their life purpose, dreams, and goals. Coaches regularly refer clients to psychotherapists and other mental health professionals for issues that are better suited to a therapeutic relationship.

How important is cultural awareness in the coaching profession?

Diversity and inclusion is often overlooked and undervalued in the coaching world. We think that is a huge mistake. Since 1998, Leadership that Works has been an innovator in the coaching field, expanding cultural awareness, and making coaching available to the people who are most vulnerable. To be truly effective, the coaching profession needs to address power and privilege at the personal and systems level. Together we can make coaching more accessible to all, as we give people the tools to effect lasting social change.

Course Details and Logistics

How long is the coach training program?

The course is 9 months and offers a total of 140 classroom training hours.

What kind of certification do CFT coaches receive?

When you graduate, you become a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) from an International Coach Federation (ICF) Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). The ICF is recognized worldwide as a governing body of the coaching profession. It sets the standards, core competencies, and ethics for both coaches and training schools.

Are classes in person or over the phone?

In-Person courses feature 12 day-long classroom sessions and 34 weekly teleclasses.

Distance Learning courses are 100% teleclasses.

How are classes structured?

Whether in person or on the phone, all coach training classes are highly experiential. They include teaching points, skill building, demonstrations, practice, small group work, feedback, and discussion about what you’re learning.

What if I miss a class?

We understand that people have busy lives. That’s why we’ve built in extra training hours so that you can miss an occasional teleclass without jeopardizing your coach certification. Students are required to attend a minimum of 125 out of 140 class hours to graduate. “Attending” means participating in a live class (as opposed to listening to a recording afterward).

That said, if you miss a class, you can catch up by listening to the recording on your own time and practicing the skills with a peer. Likewise, if you miss a full day, you can listen to recordings and practice with a peer. For in-person courses, attendance at the first weekend is mandatory.

What is the time commitment?

Most students spend an average of 6-10 hours per week working on the course. This includes attending classes and mentor sessions, practice coaching, reading assignments, and preparing for classes. Many participants also take advantage of the materials in the resource library, which features videos and recordings of live coaching and more than 1,000 articles.

Will I learn how to start a coaching business?

Yes. Through CFT’s business development program, our faculty will help you identify, design, and launch the coaching business that is right for you. You’ll have guidance through the details of starting a business, pricing your services, attracting clients—and making your coaching practice sustainable.

Our business building methodology is so effective that nearly all our students attract paying clients before graduation.

If you plan to incorporate coaching skills into your current profession, organization, or community, our business development program will help you get customers, clients, and employees on board when you need to implement new ideas, strategies, or services.

How would you describe the learning community?

Whether you choose a distance learning course or an in-person course, you’ll work closely with the same peers for 9 months. You’ll build trust, give inspirational feedback, and support each other’s development as coaches and human beings. You’ll collaborate with both faculty and peers to create a safe environment where you can take risks, spread your wings, and soar as a coach.

Many of our participants form strong bonds and create partnerships or business ventures when they graduate.

What should I do to prepare for the program?

You can start by reading our primary textbook, Coaching for Transformation: Pathways to Ignite Personal and Social Change, 2nd ed. As soon as you register, we’ll send you an electronic version of the book, and you’ll receive a hard copy when the course begins.

What are the requirements for coach certification?

To become a certified coach through CFT, you’ll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Attend at least 125 of the 140 class hours
  • Participate in 8 mentoring sessions for a total of 10 hours: 4 group and 4 individual sessions
  • Complete a minimum of 40 hours of practice coaching – 100 hours recommended
  • Work with a certified Coaching for Transformation coach for a minimum of 6 hours
  • Participate in a 30-minute mid-program review
  • Demonstrate core coaching competencies during 4 individual mentoring sessions or pass a 30-minute oral assessment
  • Pass the open-book written assessment with a score of 80 or higher

How much does the program cost?

Your investment is $8,495, which includes: Coaching for Transformation tuition, mentoring, books, assessments, and access to the online learning community and resource library.

Not included: cost of working with a CFT certified coach for 6 hours, plus travel and accommodations for in-person sessions.

Are scholarships available?

Yes. Leadership that Works India is committed to advancing the field of coaching by making coach training accessible to as many people as possible. A limited number of scholarships are awarded based on financial need, your potential to reach diverse communities, and the impact you expect to have as a coach. Click here to inquire.

What Makes Coaching for Transformation Unique?

What distinguishes CFT from other coach training programs?

We’re committed to making coach training available to people who traditionally do not have access, and you can be part of that vision. Here are 7 other ways we stand out from the crowd:

  • Real-World Coaching Practice.
  • Personalized Mentoring.
  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness.
  • Whole Person Transformation.
  • Supportive Learning Community.
  • Heart-Centered Business Development.
  • Personal Transformation and Social Change.

Who are the instructors?

Our faculty are a diverse team of highly successful coaches with many years of coach training experience. They undergo continuous development so they can provide the highest caliber training. They practice what they preach, and consistently receive outstanding feedback from students for their sensitivity, wisdom, skill, and leadership.

Our faculty are uniquely qualified to train across many sectors:

  • Nonprofits, Social Justice, and Peacemakers
  • Executives, Managers, and Team Leaders
  • Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Holistic Healers
  • Visionary Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs
  • Human Resources Staff and Organization Development Consultants

Check out the diverse backgrounds of our faculty.

Is CFT Right for Me?

I have been coaching for years. What are the benefits of enrolling in CFT?

Many experienced coaches who join CFT are blown away by how much they learn, change, and grow during the course. CFT’s 5 Pathways to Alignment help you become a masterful coach, inspiring a deeper level of transformation in both you and your clients. CFT also gives you the tools you need to face your client’s toughest challenges and effect powerful social change.

I’ve never taken a coaching course before. Is CFT appropriate for me?

Yes! The majority of participants are new to coach training. They get so much out of the course that they often send their friends and colleagues to our coaching trainings. More than 50% of our students come via referrals from CFT graduates.

I still have questions. How can I find out more?

One of the best ways to get to know us is to attend a free introductory session. Our regular 90-minute Power of Coaching calls give you a chance to experience transformational coaching and learn new skills that you can apply right away.

Click here to get in touch with us.

Leadership that Works India

Email address:  cftprograms@ltwindia.com 

Phone number: +91 9971220223

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