Coaching Essentials |

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Coaching Essentials

Are you ready to awaken yourself and others to their full potential ?

Have you found yourself wondering… …why some conversations have much more impact than others?

How some people know just the right question to ask, or listen in ways that allow for breakthrough insights?

Coaching skills allow people to be their best selves. The Coaching Essentials Workshop will deepen your ability to support colleagues, stakeholders, friends and family and yourself. You will increase your understanding of people, design purposeful goals, and address fear and doubt in the face of difficulty. Coaching skills can enhance the impact of your mission.
In the two-day Coaching Essentials workshop, you will

  • Experience some core skills of the CFT program.
  • Deepen your understanding and feel the impact of transformational listening.
  • Discover and play with eight coaching skills from the curriculum of our certification program CFT – Coaching For Transformation.
  • Learn the art of Curiosity and Powerful Inquiry.
  • Learn to structure a coaching session and get a lot of practice with peers.

Who should attend Coaching Essentials?

This workshop is for HR professionals, Leaders, aspiring and practicing coaches, and everyone else if …you would like to experience a fresh mindset, support people in breaking through old habits, help people tap into their resourcefulness and creativity, and have a positive impact in your community.

Click here for inquiries or registration. 

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